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I was born in 1980, in Cheshire. Despite that, I view myself mostly as a Manchester lad, having spent all my adult life in the cities of Manchester and Salford. I’ve rubbed shoulders with everyone from beggars to chief executives and all sorts in-between in what I think is an unusual life. Maybe I’d write a book about it one day, if I thought anyone would ever be interested in it. But then, somewhere deep down, we all think that really - don’t we?


I developed a keen interest in science fiction at a very early age thanks to a very popular time travel series on BBC1. This has led to a life-long interest in the genre, which continues to this day, proving that the licence fee is worth it after all. The appeal of science fiction, and fantasy, is in the escapism, the look at what could be, and the sheer imagination and suspension of belief it requires – and how despite its groundings in the far-fetched, real-life often comes to imitate the imaginings of those insane enough to love science fiction.


I completed my first book at 15, and attempted but failed to get published. Looking back on it, this is probably more of a relief to those who like to read. It certainly allowed me to do more boring things, such as work ……. I spent a large part of my early working life focusing purely on career, which is never healthy in the long-term if it’s that unbalanced, although I did qualify in another one of my loves – procurement. It should be criminal to be paid for something you enjoy that much.


And speaking of which - writing is and always will be a hobby first and foremost, a love and a way to express. An escape from reality, whilst holding a mirror up to all that is good and bad in the world. I hope you enjoy reading my books, almost as much as I enjoyed writing them.

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